Sometimes, when you don’t know what to do.
You start a blog.

My name is Noah, I started this because, like all of us, we need an outlet of some sort. Might as well try to monetize it.

I was born in 2005, I am a man. I don’t have the authority to speak on a lot of things, but I have a lot of thoughts, which some of us like to share.

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Why I started this:

I am awake, at 6:00 in the morning, and haven’t slept the night before. Why? I just went through a breakup, was it bad? No. What happened? That’s none of your business, but I have strong feelings, and I want to share them. I have so many things that run through my head, over and over, as we all do. My goal is to share these thoughts here, on this page, and hope that some people resonate with it. There won’t be a clear theme of this blog, or a message, these are my brains, spilling out onto this… website. To stop me from spilling my brains out in real life.